A good interval running workout is any running workout where you are intermittent running and recovering. There is a multitude of variations when it comes to interval running. The focus can differ, sometimes it’s about speed, sometimes it’s all about hills. But the key is that it involves bouts of trying hard, and bouts of …
Tess Gard
Knowing that a well-constructed taper can improve my running performance by as much as 3%, I set about researching and putting together a plan. The most common taper plan for a trail marathon to an ultra-distance run starts two to three weeks before race day. The idea is to reduce the training load gradually over …
Training for an ultra marathon like a 50K can be a bit overwhelming. Especially if this will be your first attempt at the distance. You want to go into a race like this being fully confident that you have put in the training and are prepared! So, just how long should you train for a …