Have you been driving late for work and suddenly this orange indicator with an exclamation sign pops up flashing on the instrument panel? If so, it seems like your Tire Pressure Light is looking for your attention. Do not get bothered as we are here to help you through this!
It is normal for the Tire Pressure light to flash once at the startup. However, if the light keeps blinking on and off, there can be two reasons – either the Tire Pressure is low and the tire needs to be filled or the Tire Pressure Sensor is faulty and needs to be recalibrated or replaced.
Now all these might make you feel in shambles. However, don’t worry, solving this is no big deal. We assure you that we will take the most straightforward approach to this problem. So read along as we jump right into it!
What Causes Flashing Tire Pressure Light on Jeep?
The Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) is a smart system for all modern vehicles (Jeep models 2007 onwards) that lets you know every time there is something wrong with your Tire Pressure.
So no matter which Jeep you are riding- let it be a Wrangler, Cherokee, or Gladiator, the TPMS (manufactured by Jeep themselves) will always be there by your side. Now that we have introduced TPMS, let us look into what triggers it and causes the blinking:
- Low Tire Pressure
- Abrupt changes in temperature
- Malfunctioning TPMS sensor
- Low Battery Level or Discharged Battery on the TPMS sensor
3 Solutions For Flashing Tire Pressure Light on Jeep
Now we have arrived at the most important section. This section will look into the solutions for the different causes we have listed earlier above. So grab your toolbox and carefully follow the instructions below to find your ride fixed in no time!
1. Low Tire Pressure: Fill up tires according to their correct PSI
It is a very common scenario for your tires to lose air over time. They might get punctured as well. Either way, they would eventually end up being flat. But this is normal, there is nothing to be worried about.
If you are experiencing a Flashing Tire Pressure Light on your Jeep, it is suggested that you first check on your tire pressure from a nearby gas station.
Match this up with the optimal Tire Pressure value given on the side of the Driver’s door. Adjust the Tire Pressure accordingly. Now, for the TPMS to reset, drive your car at about 15-20 mph for about 10 minutes.
If the blinking continues, check on your tire pressure again and see whether the tire loses pressure over time. If so, there are possibilities that your tire has been punctured and needs to be repaired or replaced.
The average cost of filling up tires with air is between $1 and $2. And it may take around $10-$20 to repair if the tire gets punctured while replacing it can get as expensive as $150-$500 plus.
2. Abrupt changes in temperature: Blinking should stop automatically
Abrupt changes in weather or temperature can trigger the TPMS sensor for which the blinking can occur. This is due to the simple scientific principle- pressure changes with temperature.
In case of sudden temperature changes, the blinking will eventually stop since it is the sudden temperature change that is making the TPMS detect a slight change in pressure and hence causing it to blink.
3. Malfunctioning TPMS Sensor: Replacing the Sensor
The TPMS sensor (implemented on Jeep models 2008 onwards) can sometimes go faulty and start malfunctioning. A faulty TPMS sensor is what mainly causes the blinking issue.
If you have filled up your tires with air recently but the Tire Pressure Light keeps blinking even after that, it is to be sure that your TPMS sensor is malfunctioning.
Replacing the TPMS sensor will just do the job. You can always take your car to the service department to get help from an expert. Or you can simply follow the steps below and do it yourself.
Tools Needed To Fix the Issue:
- Jackstand
- Air Decompressor (6 gallon)
- Tire Balancer
- TPMS Sensor (according to your car model)
The first thing to do is to take the wheel off using the jack stand. Then remove the valve tube needle and empty the whole tire. Now we have to break the bead loose.
To break the beat loose, apply pressure to any region on the tire except for where the bulb is as this is where the TPMS sensor is located. Once the bead is loose, set the tire on the balancer and pry open the tire. Be careful not to damage the sensor again.
Now that the tire is off, use a screwdriver and pull open the TPMS sensor. Simply slide on the new sensor and you are good to go.
Replacing the TPMS sensor at a service center is going to cost you a total of around $230; with the parts being priced around $150 and the labor cost around $65-$85. Replacing it yourself is only going to slack the labor cost while charging you for the parts.
How To Test Jeep Tire Pressure Light?
The only way to test whether the Tire Pressure Light has been fixed is by driving your Jeep. Make sure to check that the Tire Pressure Light flashes once at the startup which indicates that the TPMS is active.
Drive your car under normal speed and condition to see whether the Tire Pressure Light flashes on and off again. We hope that it won’t. This is because it is very unlikely that the new sensor installed is also going to be faulty.
Below we have listed some of the most commonly asked questions concerning the “Jeep Tire Pressure Light Flashing”. Take a look and we hope that it helps you get a clearer idea.
Is it safe to drive with the tire pressure light flashing?
No, driving with the TPMS light flashing is quite dangerous and can lead to car damage. Driving with deflated tires might deteriorate your tires faster. Also, it can cause more fuel consumption.
Furthermore, you will get poor control over the car. And there will be an increased build-up of heat that can cause tires to blowout resulting in accidents
How far can you drive your Jeep with the tire pressure light flashing?
There is no safe distance to how far you can drive with the TPMS light flashing. The Tire Pressure Light flashing is quite serious and should not be ignored. So it is advised that you drive very small distances and fix it as soon as possible.
Should I disable the TPMS system to stop it from flashing?
Nope. The TPMS system is quite important as it gives you an alert whenever your tire lacks pressure and there are risks of getting a flat tire. Flat tires are quite dangerous as they can lead to car accidents. So it is advised that you do not disable the TPMS system.
Is it suggested that I replace the TPMS sensor by myself?
It is not suggested but you can surely try. The reason is that getting the tire off the rim requires instruments like Tire Balance which are not quite easy to get your hands on.
Also, the TPMS sensor is quite sensitive so there are chances that you might break it. It is better to get help from a mechanic if possible.
Driving with the tire pressure light flashing on your Jeep can result in serious accidents. This is why it is advised that whenever you see the orange light blinking on your instrument panel, it is about time that you give your vehicle a proper check.
Start with the tire pressure and slowly move to the TPMS sensor. Take one step at a time and use this article for guidance. We assure you this is quite an easy task. Fixing this will take only about an hour.
So the next time you see the Tire Pressure Light Flashing on your Jeep, you know what to do. Give your ride the proper attention it needs. Because it is only then that you can enjoy the ride you need.
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