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Solutions for Non-Functional Jeep Wrangler Heater: 5 Fixes

It is quite uncomfortable, especially in the winter when the Jeep Wrangler’s heater core sends cold air instead of hot air into the cabin. That behavior of the heater indicates that it is not functioning properly.

There are several reasons why the Jeep Wrangler heater is not working. The most common reasons include but are not limited to Faulty Blower Motor, inappropriate coolant level, bed thermostat, faulty temperature blend, faulty heater core, and hose.

Later in this article, we will go into more detail about these causes and provide a solution for the Jeep Wrangler heater problem. Keep reading to find out more.

Why is Jeep Wrangler Heater Not Working?

There are numerous parts that affect the heat management or cooling system of the Jeep Wrangler. To name a few, there are the thermostat, the heater core, the hose, the blower fan, and numerous other small parts like the blend door. 

A fault with these components will likely result in a non-functional heater. Once you identify the problematic component, the heater problem will be quickly solved. Before we go into more detail, here are some basic talks that you might want to know.

How does the Jeep heater work? 

Look at the diagram below. Hopefully, you will get an idea of how the heating system in the Jeep Wrangler works.

Engine generates heat > Thermostat Opens > coolant Started Flowing > Heat comes out through the Radiator and heater core.

This diagram indicates that heat must be produced in some manner to produce the hot air, and the engine produces that heat. The thermostat opens when the temperature reaches a certain point, allowing coolant to circulate around the heater core. 

Once the coolant reaches the heater core through the hose, the blower fan pushes the hot air through the vent into the cabin. This is how the Jeep Wrangler heater system works. The heater of the Jeep does not work if any of the components in this diagram fail.  Hopefully, you understand the mechanism.

The Most Common Reasons For Jeep Wrangler Heater Not Working:

Here is a list of the common reasons why the heater is not working. Resolving these issues almost always resolves the problem.

  • Faulty Blower Motor
  • coolant Level
  • Bed Thermostat
  • Faulty Temperature Blend
  • Heater Core and Hose


In addition to the ones listed in the list, there may be numerous other minor reasons. Since many electronics depend on the heater system, it is best to consult your dealer or an experienced mechanic.

5 Solutions to the Jeep Wrangler Heater Not Working:

The best course of action is to identify the root cause of the Jeep Wrangler heater problem as soon as it arises. Apart from the major 4-5 reasons, you may also have other minor reasons. Almost always, one of the major reasons is to play the role. 

If the cause is very simple, like a low coolant level, you can solve it on your own by refueling the coolant tank, while for other issues, contact your dealer or some expert.

1. Faulty Temperature Blend or Actuator: Replace the Actuator

Usually, what happens is: that though the engine is hot and the blower motor is working, the temperature knob is right in the middle; what is coming through the vent is only the cold air. 

The situation can be attributed to a broken or faulty actuator. Either the door is stuck or jammed. Most probably, the actuator is not moving to the hot seat. For jeep wranglers or this type of vehicle, a bad actuator is a common reason behind the heater and temperature issue.

The best way to solve it is to find the actuator and replace it. The cost is not much. You may have to spend around $25 on parts and labor costs.

2. Faulty Heater Core and Hose: Flush or Replace the Heater Core

The Jeep Wrangler heater core is a medium and serves the purpose of sending hot air into the cabin. Like a radiator, the heater core prevents the engine from getting too hot since the coolant heat does not stay inside the engine compartment.

A faulty heater results when it is clogged, rot, or leaks. A leak allows the coolant to spread around the core or engine bay, resulting in a bad smell or excessive engine heat. It is very crucial to check that the heater core is not clogged.

On the other hand, the heater hose, which sends the coolant to the core, can also be leaked. As a result, you will notice the low coolant level, resulting in a sweet smell and overheating. Hoses have an inlet and outlet. When the engine runs and reaches a certain temperature, these hoses should also be hot. 

Check with your bare hand. If the hoses are not hot, certainly, the coolant is not working properly. Such a scenario indicates that the Wrangler heater core is clogged and needs to be cleaned. 

The cost of a new heater core is $60 to $70. If only flushing the core and removing the clog solved the issue, you may have saved money from your pocket.

3. Faulty Blower Motor Or resistor: Replace the faulty blower motor.

The blower motor pushes heated air into the wrangler cabin through the ventilation. A non-functioning fan does not automatically stop the air flow; rather, the air pressure gets slightly lower irrespective of fan speed. When the fan fails, you may find the following symptoms.

  • Grinding Noise 
  • Noise from the bearing 
  • Low pressure
  • Less hot air

When it comes to a faulty resistor or the entire resistor failure, a medium through which the blower motor gets the signal, air will not come out from the wrangler vents. In that case, the resistor has to be changed. 

Neither the blower motor nor the resistor damages other crucial components of a car, but when the issue appears, it needs to be changed. The cost of replacing the blower motor is around $400, including the labor cost of $100.

4. Faulty Thermostat: Replace the Faulty Thermostat

If you go back to the diagram we mentioned earlier, you will probably understand the role of the thermostat in the Jeep Wrangler. The sole purpose of the thermostat is to maintain the engine temperature and prevent it from overheating.

When the temperature reaches a certain limit, the thermostat opens and allows coolant to circulate through the heater core and lets the hot air come out of it. One of two faulty thermostat scenarios is often reported: the thermostat is either closed or open.

If it remains close, sufficient coolant will not flow, resulting in the engine overheating. On the other hand, if it remains open, more coolant will flow, resulting in more cold air in the cabin. Either thing is bad for the engine or the heater. 

Most probably, you will see the check engine light illuminated. Maybe the code will appear. In any case, things should be taken care of sooner rather than later. Replace the thermostat. The cost of the Jeep Wrangler Thermostat varies. You can expect to pay around $100 to $500, 

5. Coolant Level

Here is yet another reason why the heater is not working. Coolant is a type of liquid called antifreeze.  If the Jeep Wrangler Overflow bottle is less than the desired amount, then it will cause your engine to overheat.

Less coolant means less heat around the heater core, so the blower motor will only blow the cold air. It is quite easy to fix, but a few things need to be considered. While refilling the coolant reservoir, remember the following:

  • Refill to the required level
  • Never put more than the required amount
  • Refill when the engine temperature is low
  • Use good quality coolant


Hopefully, you have a pretty good idea about the reasons and solutions for why the Wrangler heater stops functioning properly. Here are some frequently asked questions about the Jeep Wrangler heater that you might want to know.

How do I make my Jeep Wrangler heater hotter?

Before we explain the answer, you must know why the heater temperature is not rising. The heater will not produce heat if the necessary amount of coolant is not flowing due to a clog. In that case, to make the heater hotter, flush the clogged heater core using a garden hose with a strong water flow. So the coolant flows smoothly.

What Type of Coolant Does a Jeep Wrangler Take?

The latest Jeep Wrangler, especially after 2013, uses OAT coolant. It contains corrosion inhibitors such as triazole, which is why it has lower depletion rates. OAT coolant comes in different colors, including orange, blue, or dark green.

How do I know if my Jeep Wrangler heater core is clogged?

Start the engine. When the engine reaches its maximum temperature before the thermostat opens, the two hoses that run to the heater core should be hot. If they are not hot, the heater core is probably clogged.

Why does my Jeep Wrangler’s temperature go up and down?

The cooling system of the Jeep Wrangler consists of many components, including a cooling fan, thermostat, radiator, heater core, and temperature gauge. If these components fail, the cooling system will fail to function properly, resulting in an unstable temperature.

How hot can the Jeep Wrangler be?

According to some experts, the ideal Jeep temperature should be as low as 190 degrees with a maximum of 230 degrees.


There you have it all. We have made an effort to cover the most frequent causes of the Jeep Wrangler heater’s subpar performance. In addition to these typical explanations, there may be some other explanations. 

However, these are the most frequently mentioned.  Increased temperature causes a decrease in engine efficiency, which leads to poor fuel efficiency and likely further engine damage. 

So, this problem ought to be resolved as soon as possible. We think the information in the article was useful, and you were able to solve the problem.

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