Around mile 42 of a 100-mile trail running race, I suddenly ended up at a highway. There was no one around me, and I knew that I was not suppose to be running alongside a road let alone a highway. There was no service in rural Kentucky, so I pulled out my smart phone that …
Madeline Hirschfeld
The United States is full of must-see destinations that offer scenic trails and routes for every trail runner. Many locations are meccas for the trail running community with plenty of options of trails nearby. Even some of these amazing places host or are nearby well-known trail running events. There are a lot of benefits to …
The Popularity of trail running has increased dramatically over recent years. Racers participate in events that involve a mixture of endurance, technical skills, and types of terrain. The rise in participates and racing events makes many wonder if this popularity is just a reboot of the age old event, cross country. However, in all actuality …
Before we got married, my husband and I always knew wanted to take time off to travel the United States. Our relationship started after backpacking the Grand Canyon, and we have shared a passion for the outdoors since. After our son was born, we started reflecting where we were at in our lives. Michigan was …
Many athletes in the ultra running community have opted for the plant-based lifestyle. Even elite runners have tested the waters of veganism and benefited tremendously. They have even gone so far as to credit their diet to their success. So, is a vegan diet good for runners? A vegan diet is great for runners. One …
When running a distance over 26.2 miles, anything can go wrong. Ultras appeal to runners because ultimately they will push people to their physical and mental limits. Parts of the race can go sideways, and the ability to problem solve is a necessary tool to have. Whether adjustments can be made or not, eventually failure …